A new boy in town bullies Opie and causes trouble.
Opie is at the courthouse with Andy and Barney. He is doing a few chores but after asking if he could leave early to fish, Andy lets him leave. Barney starts to meddle with how Andy raises Opie. A new kid is hanging out with Opie's friends, and bullies them into stealing apples instead of going fishing. Opie walks up and meets the new boy, Steve Quincy. Steve begins to make fun and tease Opie when he insists upon going fishing.
In the courthouse, Andy hears from a friend Charlie Eavers who said he's rented his house out to a new family in town. Aunt Bee, knowing all the town gossip, fills in Andy and Barney on who the family is - Mr. Quincy, a traveling salesman who is often away from home, Mrs. Quincy, and their son Steve. Opie visits the courthouse, and asks to fight Steve. Andy tells Opie not to fight unless Steve attacks first, and to try to make friends with the new boy. Barney gives Opie a few pointers on how to stand his ground against a bully.

Hit Me, I'm Braced
Opie joins Steve and the other boys. Steve throws an apple at a street light and breaks it. As Andy drives up, Steve pushes all the apples into Opie's arms, making it look as if he was the one who threw it. Opie won't rat out Steve, so Andy calls in all the boys to the courthouse. Steve refuses to come, but the others show up. Andy scolds the boys, and Barney attempts to demonstrate to them about law and crime, but locks himself in a cell during his presentation.
Later, Mr. Foley stops by the courthouse to complain about the boys stealing from him, and Steve throwing tomatoes at him. Andy finally decides he'd best talk with the boys' fathers. Meanwhile, using the intimidation technique he learned from Barney, Opie confronts Steve Quincy and puts up his fists. Steve continues to create lines in the sand, which Opie continues to step over, looking Steve right in the eye. The other boys realize Steve is a coward, and stand with Opie. Steve loses his nerve and leaves, and Andy congratulates Opie on ending the situation without actual violence.
- This is the first episode where Lucy and Ricky's kid (little Ricky) stars as one of Opie's friends.
- Steve is nine.
- The five named members of Opie's group (of six) are Opie Taylor, Steve Quincy, Carter French, Billy Gray.
- This is the first appearance of Mr. Foley. He will later appear in Bargain Day and The Case of the Punch in the Nose.
- An earlier version of this script had Andy actually visit Steve's Dad who has always been involved in sports and earned money boxing to put himself through graduate school. He taught these skills to his son Steve but admits his son mistook the meaning of being strong for being tough and this was why he turned out to be a bully. He then instructs Andy that Steve has one weakness in fighting, and is susceptible to one punch: a right cross because he always drops his "left.” (This is where the episode gets its title of One-Punch Opie)
- Barney tells Andy he could be 'another Emmy Schmaltz. Emmy Schmaltz is the landlady from the Moon Mullins comic strip. Moon Mullins ran from 1923 to 1991.
Barney: I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. I tell you this is just the beginnin': goin' around breakin' street lamps - city property, mind you. Next thing you know they'll be on motorcycles and wearin' them leather jackets and zoomin' around. They'll take over the whole town... a reign of terror!
Andy: Barney, these are just boys you're talkin' about. They're only about 8 years old.
Barney: Yeah, well today's 8-year olds are tomorrow's teenagers. I say this calls for action and now. Nip it in the bud. First sign of youngsters goin' wrong you got to nip it in the bud!
Billy Gray: "Why can't you have peanut butter in prison?"