Fixin': preparing to perform an action/task; "I'm fixin' to get angry!"
Gassed: Drunk
Gas it up: Start talking
Good sized cramp: debt
Give me some Good: Kiss me
Gitar (g ee tar): Guitar
Heavy-up: raise
Hick: country/goof
Hickville: a small town
Highfalutin': fancy
High-old time: good time
Inarculated: Inoculated.
Interloper: a person who becomes involved in a place or situation where they are not wanted or are considered not to belong.
Jawin: Talk or have a conversation.
Kin: family
Mighty: very
Mollycoddling: Treat (someone) very indulgently or protectively.
Mosein' along: moving along
Motorcicle: Motorcycle
Much obliged: thank you
Moon: moonshine; illegal achohol
Nave: Barney's way of saying "Naive", Naive meaning to be gullible.
Naw: No
Nip It in the Bud: stop some behavior or event from continuing
Not nary a one: not even a single one of something
Old country: England
Opum it.: "Open it" said with the mouth closed on 2nd syllable of 'opum'. Andy said this to Aunt Bea about her letter from Roger Hanover. "Opum it! Opum it! Opum it!"
Passed on: died
Pasos: Mexican dollar
Paw: Pa, Father
Peach of an idea: very good idea
Pickin at: teasing
Pikers: A cheap person
Plumb decent: really decent
Poor as Job's Turkey: really poor
Preachin' : church service
Pretty Penny: expensive
Reckon: "I suppose."
Riled up: To stir up
Rip-Snorter: A good, fun time
Roll or Pay Roll: a large amount of money
Rotten apples: mean, ornery people
Rubes: hick, country
Running with: dating someone
Samoyas: The term is "semolians," a slang term for cash.
Set of threads: suit or nice clothes
Shazam: an expression used by Gomer when he is surprised or shocked
Sheriffin': The discharge of duties as Sheriff (e.g. 3-8in' and 4-2in').
Simmer down: calm down
Smith Brothers institution: The Smithsonian
Snoot full: being drunk
Spattin': arguing
Some smart: brilliance
Soused: drunk
Stow it: be quiet, shut up
Strangs: Guitar
Sugar: A warm greeting or a hug or kiss
Sun up: when the sun rises
Sun down: when the sun sets
Talking ugly: Using swear words
That's the time!: When something is highly agreeable
Therapetic: Therapeutic
Tiddly: Drunk
Tick a lock: Keep quiet and don't talk about something
Twang box: Brisco Darling's way of saying "guitar"
Twixt: Be'Twixt (between) two people.
'Tween: Between
What-cha: What are you? or possibly asking what a person is "up-to"?